Embassy Suites Wellness Relaxation Suite
Relaxation Pod Lands in Concord, North Carolina
5 Star Hotel Fortina (Malta)
The Five Star Hotel Fortina Spa Resort has proven the Wellness—Relaxation Suite concept for more than eleven years in Malta. After converting 42 of its 420 rooms to “Wellness Rejuvenation Rooms” featuring the exclusive multi-sensory body PODS, they added a 10% upgrade premium rate for the Wellness Suites. The Hotel Fortina Spa Resort has achieved 90% occupancy and generated an additional US $2,045,000 per year in extra upgrade room revenues. In the 11 years since installing the Wellness Suites, their return has exceeded US $22 million — and still going strong!
From 1990 through 2013, the NBC Company installed over 4,000 multi-sensory spa body PODS in the most prestigious locations, including hot springs, golf communities, corporate wellness, relaxation centers, fitness, resorts and hotels throughout Japan. More than 85% of the pods installed are still in service after 15 years of use.
A single health environment capsule POD system, operating in Dubai, has earned the owner more than US $2.5M since 1997.